Relationship between some productivity indexes and light, water and nutrient availability in a coffee plantation within its first fruit production

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E. Velasco


An essay was undertaken with the aim of getting a
deeper insight at the relationship between two groups of variables:
leaf area and fruit production, as variables featuring the
productive potential of a coffee plantation (Coffea arabica, L.) on
one side and the daily mean irradiance, soil moisture, leaf content
of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as variables
characterizing available ecosystem resources, on the other side,
by means of the multivariate approach of cannonical correlations
on correlation matrixes. Data were gathered within an experimental
area located in «Buey Arriba», Granma province, at 450 m
above sea level, using «Caturra Rojo» cv. and a design including
plots under a gradient of solar exposition, from open sun to 45 %
sun. For the statistical analysis, leaf area, soil moisture and contents
of N, P and K were evaluated in 30 randomly distributed plants in
the whole area; they were separated according to flowering, fruit
growth and harvest stages, then a value of 0.7384 was obtained,
which was significant according to ?2 test (p<0.05) for cannonical
correlation, taking into account harvesting data. Such correlation
was not significant for data of the other stages. The interpretation
of analytical results based on correlations between the roots
obtained by the method and variables observed denotes the effect
of a strong defoliation of plants at open sun and a negative
relationship between fruit production and K content at harvesting.
The method employed shows relationships among imperceptible
variables in the single correlation matrixes.

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How to Cite
Velasco, E. (2013). Relationship between some productivity indexes and light, water and nutrient availability in a coffee plantation within its first fruit production. Cultivos Tropicales, 22(3), 61–65. Retrieved from
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