Evaluación comparativa de la biodiversidad insectil en policultivo tomate-maíz

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María E. González


A group of potato hybrid combinations were
made under greenhouse conditions at the National Institutte
of Agricultural Sciences in 1999. The aim of this study was to
know the ability of crossing between Solanum genotypes and
the association among some characters related to potato berry.
Three crossing groups were formed with parental genotypes
from Solanum tuberosum (subsp. tuberosum and subsp.
andigena) and one wild species. The decapitation method was
used for crossing, and characters related to fruit berry were
evaluated: seed number, fruit weight, length and width. The
main parameters were estimated for the characters related to
the fruit, the lineal correlations and path coefficients. A higher
variability was observed at seed number per fruit, positive and
highly significant correlation coefficients being recorded
between fruit weight, length and width as well as between
these two last characters. The greatest direct and indirect
contribution to berry weight was given by fruit width in the
three crossing groups.

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How to Cite
González, M. E. (2013). Evaluación comparativa de la biodiversidad insectil en policultivo tomate-maíz. Cultivos Tropicales, 22(1), 31–35. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/711
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