Effect of different inoculants on soybean nodulation grown in stress condition

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María C. Nápoles García


Soybean is a culture which naturally associates with Bradyrhizobium bacteria, through a symbiosis where the plant is a source of nutrients and energy for the bacteria and this provides nitrogen fixed from the atmosphere. Besides several molecular signals which govern the interaction between the plant and the bacteria, the soil conditions are very important on success or failure nodulation. In this work the effect of different Bradyrhizobium japonicum preparations on soybean nodulation (Pioneer 94M30 variety) in adverse conditions like low temperatures, low pH and water excess, was studied. It was observed that the employ of induced inoculants was positive on nodulation parameters evaluated in the stress conditions. The effect of different inoculants dose depends of the stress kind and intensity. These results, although preliminary, allow supposing a possible antistress effect of induced inoculants in such environmental conditions.

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How to Cite
Nápoles García, M. C. (2014). Effect of different inoculants on soybean nodulation grown in stress condition. Cultivos Tropicales, 35(4), 45–51. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/908
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