Effect of extracts of humic substances on germination and growth of rice plant (Oryza sativa L), cv. INCA LP-5.

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José Marcelino Galbán-Méndez
Dariellys Martínez-Balmori
Deborah González-Viera


The use of biostimulants in agriculture is gaining ground in the international context with very promising results for the agriculture sustainability in the new millennium. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the biological activity of humic substances extracts (HSE I) and (HSE II) in the rice crop cv INCA LP-5. An experiment was carried out in the germinative phase: rice seeds were germinated in dilutions of the HSE I and HSE II extracts and the percentage of germination and root and coleoptile length were evaluated 7 days after germination seed (dag). Another in the vegetative phase: rice seeds were imbibed 24 hours in dilutions of HSE I and HSE II, then sowed and were applied by foliar spray dilutions of HSE I and HSE II at 7 and 14 dag, the indicators of plant height and root length were determined at 14 and 21 dag. The extracts of humid substances used have no effect on the percentage of germination of the rice seeds, however the use of dilutions of HSE II promoting the length of the root and coleoptile of the rice seedlings. The effect of foliar application of both HSE was perceptible in the aerial part; in the root only the use of I HSE in the 1:60 dilution was beneficial. Other study will be necessary for the use of I HSE and II in rice cultivation.

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How to Cite
Galbán-Méndez, J. M., Martínez-Balmori, D., & González-Viera, D. (2021). Effect of extracts of humic substances on germination and growth of rice plant (Oryza sativa L), cv. INCA LP-5. Cultivos Tropicales, 42(1), e05. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/1579
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