Innovation factors and domains of recommendations in local rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems

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Deborah González-Viera
Ángel Leyva-Galán
Miguel Ángel Socorro-Quesada
Mario Varela-Nualles
José Marcelino Galbán-Méndez


The scientific analysis of farming systems by homogeneous groups or recommendation domains contributes to the planning of differentiated actions for the adoption of technological innovations in local rice production systems. For this reason, this research was carried out with the objective of identifying the main factors that influence the adoption of technological innovations as well as to determine and characterize groups of farms or recommendation domains. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 44 farmers who produce rice in the Credit and Service Cooperatives of Madruga municipality (Mayabeque province) and information was obtained on socio-cultural, economic, environmental and technological variables. The descriptive analysis showed that variables with the greatest discriminating capacity for the analysis of farm differentiation were: (i) the Purchase of Seed, (ii) the Cultural Method in Pest Management and (iii) the Harvesting Method. Through the use of multivariate analysis, six innovation factors were identified that determine 67.63 % of the total variability and four farm groups or recommendation domains were characterized, with a percentage participation of 45.4, 25, 18.2 and 11.4%, respectively. It was possible to identify the quantitative and qualitative variables included in the technological aspects, the most relevant innovation factor, where Domain I showed the best practices in rice crop management.

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How to Cite
González-Viera, D., Leyva-Galán, Ángel, Socorro-Quesada, M. Ángel, Varela-Nualles, M., & Galbán-Méndez, J. M. (2023). Innovation factors and domains of recommendations in local rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(2), e02. Retrieved from
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