Weeds as hosts of arbuscular resident mycorrhizae in a maize-beans successional system
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The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is an alternative for biofertilization in agriculture, which makes necessary studies to evaluate the relationship of AMF communities with respect to soil physicochemical and host conditions. On the other hand, weed flora, if properly managed, can act as a host for AMF, maintaining the availability of active propagules in the soil, influencing the rapid colonization of roots of the subsequent crop. In turn, these fungi represent a group of edaphic microorganisms that establish symbiosis with plants, which positively influences their growth and development. The research was carried out with the aim of determining the presence of native AMF in arbaceous arvences plant species. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replicates. To fulfill the objective of the work, the total number of weed species found was recorded, and after their classification, the dominance or subordinate species was evaluated. For AMF, colonization, visual density and spore count were evaluated. After three field and laboratory experiments, it was determined that the cenosis did not undergo structural changes and that the species Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.; Lepidium virginicum L.; P. hysterophorus; Milleria quinqueflora L. and S. halepense were the main weeds that harbored AMF in the rhizosphere, with a high percentage of colonization.
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