Calibration of structural stability indicators, related to the weighted average diameter of aggregates, in different soils

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Andy Bernal-Fundora
Juan Adriano Cabrera-Rodríguez
Alberto Hernández-Jiménez


To assess soil fertility after it has been managed, or to monitor the evolution of its properties when subjected to the impact of some improvement measure, it is necessary to take into consideration physical analysis. Although structure is one of the properties most sensitive to changes, N. I. Savvinov method does not provide precise information related to results of its analysis and soil aggregation state. The present work aim was to evaluate and establish an indicator calibration of structural stability and their relation to the weighted average diameter of aggregates in different soils. To establish the indicator calibration, 161 samples from the cultivable horizon of different types of soils were analyzed. Soils under pasture and forest showed the best indicators of structural stability and a weighted average diameter of their aggregates more favorable for crop development; while those intended for intensive agricultural production showed values indicative of their structure degradation and the prevalence of diameters in their aggregates that affect the proper functioning of soils, so that from results a more accurate interpretation can be made regarding structural stability behavior.

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How to Cite
Bernal-Fundora, A., Cabrera-Rodríguez, J. A., & Hernández-Jiménez, A. (2022). Calibration of structural stability indicators, related to the weighted average diameter of aggregates, in different soils. Cultivos Tropicales, 43(4), Retrieved from
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