Rhizobia evaluation and the use of AMF in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)

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Jorge Corbera-Gorotiza
María C. Nápoles-García


The experiment was developed under field conditions on a Lixiviated Red Ferralitic soil in the central experimental area of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, in order to evaluate strains of rhizobia and a strain of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, on the growth and development of the soybean cultivar INCAsoy-27, sown in summer. For this, a randomized block design was used with four repetitions per treatment, which consisted of the inoculation of microorganisms, in their simple forms and the combination of each rhizobium strain with the arbuscular mycorrhiza used, as well as two control treatments, absolute and with mineral fertilization. Results showed a positive effect of the use of the different strains of rhizobia on the growth and yield of the soybean cultivar evaluated, with similar results between them and increases in yield in relation to the absolute control between 11.01 and 14.68 %, those that were made higher when both biofertilizers were co-inoculated (between 31.19 and 38.53 % in relation to the absolute control and between 13.49 and 19.84 % in relation to the fertilized control), with little significant differences between them, regardless of the rhizobium strain evaluated. These results demonstrate the synergistic and beneficial effects of rhizobia- arbuscular mycorrhizal co-inoculation in this culture.

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How to Cite
Corbera-Gorotiza, J., & Nápoles-García, M. C. (2023). Rhizobia evaluation and the use of AMF in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Cultivos Tropicales, 44(2), https://cu-id.com/2050/v44n2e02. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/1723
Original Article


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