Definition of the optimal planting spacing for the hybrid H-Ame15 under dry period

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Pilar Téllez-Rodríguez
Ivis Morán-Bertot
Albis Riverón-Hernández
Davel Espinoza-Delgado
Alberto Martínez-Ramírez
Miriam Isidrón-Pérez
Yulexis Pino-Blanco
Leyenis García-Santos
Javier Laguna Lezcano


The cultivation of the simple hybrid of corn H-Ame15 on a large scale, constitutes an alternative for an efficient management of corn (Zea mays) in the field, as it contains transgenic events, which provide resistance to (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) and tolerance to herbicides based on glufosinate ammonium. The objective of this work was to consolidate the productivity of the hybrid, optimizing its density in the field. For this, the morphological evaluation of the crop was carried out under three plantation spacing: 0.7m x 0.15m; 0.7m x 0.20m and 0.7m x 0.25m, in the period between December 2019 and April 2020 in an experimental plot. The higher population density caused a decrease in the stem diameter; this generated the slenderness pattern of the plants described in the literature. Cobs did not change the number of rows with increasing density, however the number of grains per row decreased, which affected the productive potential of the plants individually. This variation in the morphology of the ear allowed to characterize this hybrid with the flexible pattern of the cob. Despite this, the potential yield increased, due to the contribution of a greater number of plants per hectare: 14.74 t ha-1 at 0.7mx 0.15m, 12.83 t ha-1 at 0.7m x 0.20m and 10.94 tha-1 at 0.7m x 0.25m. It was determined that 0.7mx0.20m (71000 plants ha-1), was the most appropriate plantation framework for this time, since with this distribution the best balance between production and percentage of loss caused by environmental factors such as seasonal diseases was achieved.

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Téllez-Rodríguez, P., Morán-Bertot, I., Riverón-Hernández, A., Espinoza-Delgado, D., Martínez-Ramírez, A., Isidrón-Pérez, M., Pino-Blanco, Y., García-Santos, L., & Laguna Lezcano, J. (2023). Definition of the optimal planting spacing for the hybrid H-Ame15 under dry period. Cultivos Tropicales, 44(2), Retrieved from
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