Trait association in advanced rice lines treated with Biobras-16® and QuitoMax®
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This study was carried out at the farm of producer Rodolfo Miranda in Los Palacios municipality with the objective of seeking a relationship between yield, its components and other traits in rice genotypes treated with the biostimulants Biobras-16® and QuitoMax®. A completely randomized design was used with eighteen treatments (a control without application and independent applications of Biobras-16® and QuitoMax®) and three replicates each, and six quantitative traits were evaluated. The data matrix obtained was processed by means of Multivariate Principal Component Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression and Pearson correlations. The results revealed that most of the variables evaluated showed correlations, except full grains per panicle that was not interrelated with any other trait. The Principal Component analysis explained 74 % of the total variance, all the original variables contributed to the first component, except full and vain grains per panicle that contributed to the second component. Groups I and II included the cultivar INCA LP-7 and Line 4 in combination with the products under study and Line 3 with Biobras-16®. They were characterized by having the highest values for all traits, except vain grains per panicle, and the model proposed by the multiple linear regression analysis explained more than 85 % of the variability in yield, being an optimal predictor of this trait for studies under similar conditions.
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