Teaching in an innovative experience to strengthen local production of common bean seed (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Báguanos municipality, Holguín province
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This paper describes the lessons of an innovative experience that was developed to strengthen the local production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds in Báguanos municipality, Holguín province. This paper describes the lessons of an innovative experience that was developed to strengthen the local production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds in Báguanos municipality, Holguín province. This initiative arose because this territory does not have access to diversified and quality seed in this species. This initiative arose because this territory does not have access to diversified and quality seed in this species. Agriculture in this region is developed under rainfed conditions and the best soils are dedicated to the cultivation of sugar cane. A group of innovation managers set out to find a solution to this problem. The objective was to define and evaluate a sustainable seed production methodology for the Báguanos municipality, where producers have access to diversified and quality seed in the case of common beans. The Multi-Stakeholder Management Platform (PMG, according its acronyms in Spanish) was the space that allowed the articulation of local actors to create a local seed production system. Producers from a Local Agricultural Innovation Group (GIAL) with soil and water conditions on their farm. They specialized in seed production, taking the lead in this experience. As a result, an efficient local system of common bean seed was obtained, which is preserved in an air-conditioned room attended by an "Arnoldo Matos" Cooperative of Credit and Services producer. This same entity is responsible for marketing the common bean seed with all forms of production that demand the product in the territory. Starting in 2015, with the implementation of this local seed system, an increase in the production of common beans was achieved in Báguanos municipality for eight years, but as of 2022 this experience was greatly affected by various causes.
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