Influence of Biobras-16® and QuitoMax® on bean plant biological aspects

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Lisbel Martínez González
Yanelis Reyes Guerrero
Geydi Pérez Domínguez
María C. Nápolez García
Miriam de la C. Núñez Vázquez


Common bean is the most important legume in human consumption worldwide and in Cuba, it is necessary to increase crop production, since bean and rice are the nutritional basis of the people. Biobras-16® and QuitoMax® are bioactive products which are able not only enhancing plant growth and increasing crop yield but also they have anti-stress effects. This paper aims to determine the effect of the seed spray with QuitoMax® and Biobras-16® on bean plant growth and some biochemical indicators. Bean seeds of cv. Cuba C-25-9-N were sprayed with Biobras-16® 0,05 mg L-1 and QuitoMax® 500 mg L-1, one day before sowing. At the time of sowing, each seed was inoculated with 1 x 10-3 L of Azofert® and they were placed in pots containing eutric agrogenic Lixiviated Red Ferralitic soil with a low dose of mineral fertilizer (2,78 g of complete formula, NPK, 9-13-17). At 42 days after sowing, some growth indicators and chlorophyll, total soluble carbohydrate and protein concentrations were determined in the leaves. Results demonstrated that Biobras-16® significantly stimulated aerial part growth and leaf total soluble carbohydrates while QuitoMax® favoured only the last indicator.

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How to Cite
Martínez González, L., Reyes Guerrero, Y., Pérez Domínguez, G., Nápolez García, M. C., & Núñez Vázquez, M. de la C. (2018). Influence of Biobras-16® and QuitoMax® on bean plant biological aspects. Cultivos Tropicales, 39(1), 108–112. Retrieved from
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