Vermicomposting effect on the biological and agricultural productivity of cabbage crop (Brassica oleracea L.)

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Elein Terry-Alfonso
Josefa Ruiz-Padrón
María M. Díaz-de Armas
Yudines Carrillo-Sosa


Vermicomposting use and products obtained from it in agriculture has led to new scientific research in recent years, resulting in knowledge about the contribution of nutrients to plants, as well as crop production with quality and tolerant to abiotic stress. The cabbage KK-Cross variety is one of the most used in Cuba, the use of mineral fertilizers and chemical pesticides has been progressively increasing in this crop, and therefore, the reduction of chemical products is a necessity for the cabbage production with the least amount of toxic residues. The aim of the present work was to evaluate vermicomposting extract dilution effect on the biological and agricultural productivity of cabbage crop. For this purpose, three dilutions of the product-1/20, 1/40 and 1/60 v/v-were studied under laboratory (seed imbibition) and field (foliar spraying) conditions, compared with a control treatment, under a completely randomized design. The effect on seed germination was evaluated, as well as on crop growth, development and yield. With the 1/40 v/v dilution, a greater stimulus in the seed germination process and plant growth was obtained, the polar and equatorial diameter of cabbage sprouts was higher and the agricultural yield was increased by 88 %.

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How to Cite
Terry-Alfonso, E., Ruiz-Padrón, J., Díaz-de Armas, M. M., & Carrillo-Sosa, Y. (2023). Vermicomposting effect on the biological and agricultural productivity of cabbage crop (Brassica oleracea L.). Cultivos Tropicales, 43(3), Retrieved from
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