Original articlePhysiological efficiency of the bean plant before a water deficit

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Michel Ruiz-Sánchez
Yaumara Muñoz-Hernández
Roselys Rodríguez-Pérez
Yoerlandy Santana-Baños
Sara Mesa-Sotolongo
Max Enrique Encalada-Córdova
René Florido-Bacallao


The research was carried out under semi-controlled conditions from November to February of the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 in the Scientific Technological Unit of Base Los Palacios, Cuba, with the aim of evaluating the effect of the water deficit on the physiological efficiency of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. "Delicia 364". 80 bean seeds were sown per 1.40 m2 pot. A Completely Randomized Experimental Design was used, with three treatments and four repetitions: two with water deficit (beginning of wilting of the leaves and when the yellowing of the apex of the leaves began) and a control with irrigation at field capacity. The water deficit was applied when the plants had between three and four true leaves. After each period of stress, the foliar water potential was determined and at the time of harvest the dry mass, the agricultural yield and its components. It was found that the water deficit imposed in the vegetative phase at different intensities caused a state of water stress in the bean plant and after recovering from it, caused increases in the aerial dry mass, number of pods and agricultural yield. The water deficit in bean plants until the beginning of the yellowing of the apex of the leaves, during the vegetative phase, increases the physiological efficiency of the plant depending on irrigation, between 16-25 %, in terms of the aerial dry mass, the number of pods per plant and the agricultural yield.

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How to Cite
Ruiz-Sánchez, M., Muñoz-Hernández, Y., Rodríguez-Pérez, R., Santana-Baños, Y., Mesa-Sotolongo, S., Encalada-Córdova, M. E., & Florido-Bacallao, R. (2023). Original articlePhysiological efficiency of the bean plant before a water deficit . Cultivos Tropicales, 44(1), https://cu-id.com/2050/v44n1e06. Retrieved from https://ediciones.inca.edu.cu/index.php/ediciones/article/view/1693
Original Article


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