Local production and certification of seeds, a good practice in Mayabeque province
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Within the framework of the Local Agricultural Innovation Project (PIAL) an idea was developed that would focus on stimulating the exchange of knowledge and skills in the search for practical solutions to agri-food needs, influencing the production of quality seeds of different species and crop varieties, as well as their local certification. Innovating in the appropriate use of quality seeds can substantially improve crop production and productivity, which, in turn, can improve food security, nutritional status, employment, and family income. The objective of this work was to identify the potential for local seed production and certification as an alternative for municipal sovereignty. The experience was developed in the San José de las Lajas municipality, Mayabeque province, starting work with a SWOT matrix and later identifying the potential of the municipality for local seed production and certification. It was identified that the main weaknesses were related to the non-correct functioning of the municipal seed farm, the lack of training in seed production and the low diversity of varieties in grain crops, which are essential in the daily diet of the farmers. Cubans. It was found that the municipality has four local seed banks that produce varieties of different crops, as well as a local certification committee that assumes responsibility for certifying the seed produced by producers and agricultural entities in the town.
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