Influence of live and dead covers on weeds, in an agroecosystem with rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) in Mexico

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Humberto Osorio-Espinoza
Ángel Leyva-Galán
Ernesto Toledo-Toledo
Francisco Javier Marroquín-Agreda


The influence of living and dead covers located at the base of the perennial rambutan plant (Nephelium lappaceum L.) in its initial stage of growth and development was studied for four years, as a substitute for the traditional method of using residual herbicides. Two variants of live covers and two of dead covers were used and a reference control was maintained with the use of herbicides. The records of the diversity of weeds present both in the rainy period and in the period of less rainfall, indicated that the variants with live covers with the use of Arachis pintoi was more efficient than maintaining the natural cover of weeds of the agroecosystem itself, but the Dead hedges with crop residues from short-cycle crops such as corn and beans were more efficient than using residues from the rambutan crop itself from pruned plants and it was also the best variant of all those studied, compared to the control with herbicides.

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How to Cite
Osorio-Espinoza, H., Leyva-Galán, Ángel, Toledo-Toledo, E., & Marroquín-Agreda, F. J. (2023). Influence of live and dead covers on weeds, in an agroecosystem with rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) in Mexico. Cultivos Tropicales, 44(4), Retrieved from
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