Management of bioproducts for the ecological production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon, L.)

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Elein Terry


The present work was developed in the experi-
mental areas from the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences
(INCA), on a typical lixiviated Red Ferralitic soil, during the
horticultural seasons between 2003 and 2004. The general
objective was to find biological alternatives that allow to
intervene positively on tomato nutrition, production and
quality, so that they will allow to reduce ecological and
economic costs. A group of beneficial microorganisms along
with Biostan product were evaluated, without mineral
fertilization, in open field production systems, it proving that
even when the conventional variant is higher than the
ecological one, the yield reached with the latter without
applying mineral fertilizer surpasses 20 t.ha-1. On the other
hand, the beneficial microorganism-bioactive product
combination influenced positively the biocontrol of Alternaria
solani; it was an economically feasible alternative, the economic
benefit obtained being higher in relation to conventional
production variant, which was related with the agricultural
yield increment and mineral fertilization decrease to be applied
to the crop. This result constitutes a preliminary step for the
organic production on tomato crop under Cuban conditions.

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How to Cite
Terry, E. (2012). Management of bioproducts for the ecological production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon, L.). Cultivos Tropicales, 28(3), 23–27. Retrieved from
Original Article