Agroecological zoning of La Cordillera de Guaniguanico

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F. Soto


A country development needs an agricultural
planning; if it is economically profitable, it should be restricted
to the ecological reality of producing areas. In this sense,
agroecological zoning is one of the main tools to diminish the
risks in agriculture. Keeping in mind these elements,
agroecological zoning was carried out in the cordillera de
Guaniguanico. Information was recorded in eight
meteorological stations and 62 pluviometers from the net of
the National Institute of Water Resources to conduct the
climatic zoning; 371 000 ha were studied to get data from more
than 500 profiles with complete charts, which allowed to
characterize soils from the physical, chemical and mineralogical
points of view. Different Systems of Geographical Information
(SIG) were employed to establish the relationships among
several parameters studied to attain the agroecological zoning.
Starting from the analysis of information on the performance
of crops, the bases for zoning were settled down, considering
the temperature and the rain as fundamental climatic elements;
both elements were combined to define yield potentials for
each condition. The other discriminating element was the soil;
firstly, the types of soils and its aptitude for cultivation were
kept in mind, later on, its effective depth was considered.

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How to Cite
Soto, F. (2013). Agroecological zoning of La Cordillera de Guaniguanico. Cultivos Tropicales, 28(1), 41–55. Retrieved from
Original Article