Biofertilizers, a promising horticultural production alternative in organoponics

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Elein Terry


The simple and mixed inoculation of Azotobacter
chroococcum and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was studied
in different horticultural crops: tomato, lettuce, garden beans
and radish, with the objective of evaluating the agrobiologic
effect of two biofertilizers. The effect of these bioproducts on
growth, development and yield of these crops was evaluated.
Results showed a positive effect of the microorganism
inoculation on the parameters measured, the most effective
being those obtained by mixed inoculation (Glomus clarum-
Azotobacter chroococcum), which proved that they acted in a
synergic form when added simultaneously.

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How to Cite
Terry, E. (2013). Biofertilizers, a promising horticultural production alternative in organoponics. Cultivos Tropicales, 23(3), 43–46. Retrieved from
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