Agroecological zoning of Coffea arabica L. in Cuba. Sierra Maestra and Guamuhaya mountains

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F. Soto


For an efficient planning of agriculture, it is
essential to make the agroecological zoning taking into account
the requirements of the crop and conditions of the region.
This work was conducted in two montains where the coffee
plant is cultivated in Cuba: Sierra Maestra and Guamuhaya.
The information of nine meteorological stations and 436
pluviometers was processed for the characterization of climate;
concerning soils, a total of 504776 ha were studied, obtaining
the data of more than 2100 profiles, with complete forms per
each one. Different Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were
used to establish the relations between different indicators
evaluated. The agroecological zoning showed that there exist
12368.8 ha under nice conditions, with a yield potential superior
to 2 t.ha-1, under moderately good conditions are 67121.3 ha.
and a yield potential can be between 1-2 t.ha-1, and under
acceptable conditions exist 17223.3 ha. and yields can be
between 0.5-0.9 t.ha-1. In both regions exist 119204.9 ham where the coffee plant is not capable to grow efficiently.

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How to Cite
Soto, F. (2013). Agroecological zoning of Coffea arabica L. in Cuba. Sierra Maestra and Guamuhaya mountains. Cultivos Tropicales, 23(1), 35–44. Retrieved from
Original Article