Application of DSSAT crop simulation model to estimate the optimum dose of nitrogen fertilizer for the rice variety J-104

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Osmel Rodríguez-González
René Florido-Bacallao
Mario Varela-Nualles
Déborah González-Viera
Ramsés Vázquez-Montenegro
Lázaro Alberto Maqueira-López
Rogelio Morejón-Rivera


The rice (Oryza sativa L.), is one of the cereals of greater production worldwide. Cuba is one of the highest consumer countries in Latin America; with values of around 72 kg per capita per year. So far, the national production only satisfies 50 % of the needs. In spite of the large amount of resources that are destined to the production of rice cultivation, the yields that are currently obtained do not satisfy the existing demand nor are economically justified. The present work was developed with the objective of applying the DSSAT crop simulation model to estimate the optimal nitrogen fertilizer dose based on the expected yield of the rice variety J-104. To calibrate the model, three experiments were evaluated in the Los Palacios Base Scientific Technological Unit, belonging to the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), in different sowing dates. For the simulation, the runs of the model were made for different doses of nitrogen, varying them from 150 to 200 kg ha-1, with an interval of 10 kg ha-1 and the other parameters of the model were kept constant. The results show that the model is able to describe adequately the dependence of the yields with the level of nitrogen applied and the recommended dose to obtain the best yields.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-González, O., Florido-Bacallao, R., Varela-Nualles, M., González-Viera, D., Vázquez-Montenegro, R., Maqueira-López, L. A., & Morejón-Rivera, R. (2020). Application of DSSAT crop simulation model to estimate the optimum dose of nitrogen fertilizer for the rice variety J-104. Cultivos Tropicales, 41(2), e01. Retrieved from
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